LOVE IN THE TIME OF CORONA is Huddersfield Parish Church’s new blog series that we’ll be keeping updated with posts from various members of our church in the coming days and weeks. We hope it will help you to stay connected to the church and to each other in this time of physical distancing as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Today’s blog post comes from Mike, one of our Churchwardens

Warden’s blog, Star Date 24/3/2020.

Hello friends. What a few days we’ve had. First, no services in person for Mothering Sunday and now we’re told to stay at home unless on exercise or getting essential food items or medicines. A and I exchanged e-mails last night and have taken the hard and sad decision to lock up the church completely.

On a positive note the Mothering Service Carol streamed via Facebook was really helpful and it may be that this kind of service is the shape of things to come during this difficult period. There are many uncertainties now, including the installation of our new Vicar, and we await contact with the Archdeacon about the practicalities of this. Clearly there is much work in store for Revd. Rachel as she takes up the reins. Please keep her in your prayers at this time. There are other churches in more difficult circumstances than ours, and we should remember them all, and their people who might be struggling.

Also in our prayers, we should remember those who are our vulnerable regulars, Kevin, Lawrence, Shane, Darren, Mark, John, Francis and others who are no longer able to use our building as a place of sanctuary. I cannot imagine how difficult it is for these people normally, let alone at this time when we are all told to stay at home. This prayer is for those affected by the disease:

Keep us, good Lord,
under the shadow of your mercy.
Sustain and support the anxious,
be with those who care for the sick,
and lift up all who are brought low;
that we may find comfort
knowing that nothing can separate us from your love
in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The pastoral care system is kicking in with lots of phone calls, e-mails and social media. We have had offers from some of the younger members of the church family to help which is great. The best way to access this help is to contact your pastoral carer who will then get in touch with JB who can then mobilise the help if possible.

Our webmaster is in high demand with jobs to do to keep us in touch and so on, as much as possible. So, thanks to him for his work. He had been organising new roving mikes for our clergy in time for the Installation Service. No doubt we shall look forward to their use in the future as we eventually gather again for worship.

The nice spring weather is helpful, the garden is looking better than it has for a little while and the flowers are looking beautiful. Enjoy this if you can and keep safe.


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