Sunday Service: 22nd March (Mothering Sunday, 4th Sunday in Lent)

Dear friends

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

Though we are not able to meet together for worship Sunday by Sunday for the foreseeable future we can be united in prayer and in the reading of scripture.

The Lectionary readings for tomorrow, (22nd March), are given in the document that you can access via the link below. You may wish to use them and be united with millions of Christians throughout the World who will be doing so.

Please click here to access them.

The Churches Together in England have proposed a ‘NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE CORONA VIRUS SITUATION’ on Sunday 22nd March. In particular they suggest people may want to show solidarity with one another by a simple symbolic act. They suggest lighting a candle in house windows at 7pm as a sign of prayer and togetherness.

Here’s a short statement from a letter they published:

‘At such a time as this, when many are fearful and there is great uncertainty, we are reminded of our dependence on a loving heavenly Father for the future he holds…..light a candle in the windows of your homes as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ, our source of hope and prayer’.

A member of the Saddleworth Clergy team has put together a short service which you may wish to use tomorrow evening if you decide to participate in the act of solidarity. The service is printed following the Lectionary readings.

I have opened the Parish Church today and Carol has agreed to open tomorrow for private prayer between 9.30am and 11.30am.

The church is then open daily as usual.

My best wishes to you all.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Alan, Churchwarden

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